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[INTERVIEW] Sorn talks about her 3rd solo single 'Scorpio,' journey in the industry, dream collaborations, goals for this year, and more!

Posted by Sofia-Sayson Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Debuted in 2015 as a member of the K-Pop girl group CLC, Chonnasorn Sajakul, better known by her stage name, Sorn, never stopped releasing high-quality music time and again for listeners who have been supporting her ever since the beginning, as she started to embark on a new journey as a solo artist. With how she delivers meaningful, relatable lyrics and artistically beautiful concepts, Sorn makes up her own unique music color by telling stories through music. 

After she departed from CLC, Sorn continued her career as a singer and made her hot debut as a solo artist back in March of 2021, with the chill pop genre track "Run." Sorn, who was born in November and is a Scorpio, speaks more about her artistic journey in the music industry through her brand new single, titled "Scorpio," a follow-up track to the retro pop song "Sharp Objects," which she released back in February under her new label, WILD Entertainment. With over ten years of being in the industry, showing off her one-of-a-kind talent and euphonious voice to the world, this only marks the beginning of Sorn's solo career in the industry, as she still strives to be a better performer. With her top-notch vocal prowess that is always on point and multifaceted talents in songwriting and music production, Sorn will definitely continue to forge grounds and create a buzz in the scene — and pull every music genre off perfectly.

allkpop got an exclusive chance to sit with Sorn to talk about her newest single, "Scorpio," her journey in the industry, hoping to meet her fans worldwide, and more. Keep reading to know more about Sorn!

allkpop: First of all, congratulations on the release of your newest single, "Scorpio"! Please tell us the concept of the song and the message you want to convey through your new single.

Sorn: "Scorpio" is a song about being a Scorpio, basically, because I'm born in November, I wanted to make a song that is very personal to me. And, [it] expresses how, as a Scorpio, we have a lot that goes on in our heads, we think a lot, we don't really express it out loud. So I feel like a lot of Scorpios are going to be able to relate to it. I'm also into horoscopes, so I wanted to do a song along with that topic. And also, we, I and my producers, added a lot of hidden lyrics about how I want to encourage my audience to love themselves. No matter what other people say about you, I want everyone to have confidence in themselves and love themselves. It also talks about the journey of myself going up being in this music industry and how I am still struggling to find myself. But I am enjoying this journey and I am still trying to find who I am as an artist and as a person.

allkpop: Can you share with us the creative process of the track, from songwriting to music production?

I went to LA for the first time in my life last year, I was there almost five months ago. And I started working with a group of talented producers in LA, and we got the topic of the song. When I was in Korea, we were going back and forth with the song. But I went to LA to finalize everything and help with the writing process. It is actually the first song that I was able to get involved with, in my life as a solo artist, so it's really exciting. It was my first time helping with toplining, making melodies, and thinking of the lyrics together with my producers. And then, after that, I came back to Thailand to film the music video. I was more involved with the music video process because like a lot of you may already know, for "Sharp Objects" and "Run," and even when I was working with my group, CLC, I'm very, like a visually creative person, so I also got involved with the concept of this music video. And because the song focuses on the word "Scorpio," I wanted to incorporate that into the music video and also express visually how much I think, like the number of ideas and thoughts that I have in my head the whole time, every single day, I wanted to express that visually without saying it out loud. So I told the production team that I wanted to have a concept like a galaxy because I may not say much, like Scorpios, we don't really talk that much, but I have a lot of ideas in my head. And I'm trying to compare that to a galaxy. And I also wanted to add the character Scorpio into the music video, so we were trying to play around with visually how we could add that in. So in the music video, there's going to be a part where I'm sitting in the Sun, and I'm trying to tell two different messages where we're trying to reflect the galaxy onto the Sun and I'm also trying to reflect and show that I am actually a "Scorpian" sitting in the Sun singing. Those are the concepts my production team and I have thought of.

allkpop: Is there any memorable moment while recording the track and shooting the music video? What was it like preparing for the song? Did you encounter any difficulties?

 When I was recording "Scorpio" for the first time, the most memorable moment for me was... So I didn't know that I could be "good" at making adlibs and music and songs. So we were just playing around with the music. I think the highlight of the song is towards the ending, the last chorus where there are a lot of adlibs, really dramatic adlibs happening. And I was like pretty proud of myself that I was able to bring that part of me out in the song for the first time, and it was the part I didn't even know I had. So that's really, for me, was almost like the moment when you unlocked a new skill in a game, and I feel like I've unlocked that vocally this time for a song, which helped me a lot because I was able to continue that type of vibe and add onto my other songs that I've also recorded in LA. The songs that you guys will hear this year will have similarities adlib-wise. And I think that became one of my strengths now when I'm making music, I think a lot about adlibs, so that was really memorable. This time, when I came back to Thailand to film the music video, I was proud of the whole process, to be honest, because now, looking at the finished product, I was thinking that I was able to complete that. Basically, everything came out of me. I was very proud of myself, and it was really a fun experience, contacting the production team. I feel like I was able to do everything by myself, and I had a lot of fun because I like taking control of my own work and my own music. So given that opportunity was an enjoyable thing for me, especially when I was able to film "Scorpio" back home in Thailand, which was really a great feeling because my whole family came to the shoot to watch me. It was actually the first time my mom, my cousin, my niece, and everyone's first time seeing me filming something like this in action, so it was really a good feeling and good memory, not only for me but for my whole family.

allkpop: Are there any specific concepts or music genres you would like to try or experiment with?

 For me, I feel like vocally, I have a very wide range of like music I can tap into. This year, what we are trying to do is I'm trying to not have a fixed type or style of music that I want to sing. I just wanted to experiment with different types of genres. And, not just to "see" what I like, but I love music. I love every type of music, and I want to challenge myself to try to tap into different genres. I don't want to fix myself in just singing one type of genre. There's not going to be a fixed type of song that I'm going to be releasing. So this year we're going to get a lot of different varieties and genres of music coming out this year. "Run" is very different from "Sharp Objects," and "Sharp Objects" is also very different from "Scorpio." Basically, [that is] the pattern that we're going for.

allkpop: You first debuted as an idol in CLC, then continued your career as a soloist. What do you think is the biggest change in your career thus far? Can you describe how you have changed as a person and as a musician?

Sorn: I don't think that [there] is a big change in me. I feel like I always like taking action for my own work. I like to be involved in every single step of my music. I just think that now, given the actual opportunity to be a solo artist and take responsibility for my own action. I think I was always still this person when I was in CLC, it's just that now because I work alone, I am a solo artist, people are finally seeing who I really am, hidden in the team, I guess. But I think I've grown a lot, I am more mature, and I am more focused now on my work, on my own music more than before. And I'm also trying to find myself as I become the solo artist. I would say that I'm still kind of growing and not all of the change has happened yet, but I feel like as I grow and as I find myself as an artist, I will slowly find better changes for myself.

allkpop: Since we are currently amidst the pandemic, can you give a piece of advice for your fans and readers on how they can overcome a certain problem or situation?

Sorn: I am really not good at coping with things. For me, personally, I feel like when I'm really stressed or when I feel really lost in life, I just try to like focus more on [positive things]. I feel like you start getting stressed and lost because you start thinking about the future and comparing yourself to other people, and when things on the internet, it really affects you because you start comparing yourself to your friend or colleagues or people you see, successful people you see on the internet. I do that also, I think it's a normal thing. I try to just focus on me and not on other people, and focus more on what I have to do to be a better person and create better music, and be a better influencer to my audience. Instead of spending time comparing myself to other people. These days when I'm stressed, I just try to find things to keep myself occupied, like maybe new hobbies. Also, when I'm stressed these days, I feel like I'm more vocalized about what I'm stressed about instead of keeping it to myself. That's my suggestion, try to focus more on myself instead of comparing myself to other people.

allkpop: What would you say is the best thing that changed you as an artist? What development from yourself do you feel the most?

Sorn: I feel like for the past few [years], I feel like I'm more comfortable being me, I'm way more comfortable being Sorn now, and I don't have to try to be someone else. And I think I know what my weakness and strength are, and I try to cherish that. I don't focus more on my weakness, but I focus more on my strength, and that has made me feel way more comfortable with myself. When I show my audience who I really am, I think people can definitely see that I am comfortable with my content and everything. That's a very big change compared to before.

allkpop: Do you have any words that you have received from your colleagues, fans, or people you have interacted with, that mean a lot to you?

Sorn: I had a friend who told me before that you always have to be true to yourself and release things that make you feel happy. Don't try to be someone else or don't try to act like someone else because at the end of the day, if you try to be someone you are not, then it's going to have very big negative effects on you in the future. I always remind myself that even though people tell me to do this, that, and tell me that this is good for me, this is bad for me. At the end of the day, I feel like I have to make the decisions and I can't have other people's opinions affect my life, so that's why I am always just really focused more on myself. I've learned a lot because I feel like the past few years have been just doing things that people say are right for me that I kind of lost myself throughout the whole journey. Now that I'm older, I heard that from my friend, I'm like yeah, that makes sense, now I'm in a happier space, and I'm proud of everything I put out. I'm also proud of this, of me that I'm showing to my fans and my audience.

allkpop: What was the moment you realized you are meant to be where you are right now? What was the driving force that made you who you are today?

Sorn: It always started from the beginning. I always enjoy music, I love listening to music, and when I got the opportunity to go to Korea and go to the whole K-Pop process for 11 years, it made me appreciate music even more. And I found a lot of unlocked skills that I didn't know I had. I really enjoy being on stage, singing, and entertaining people as you can see, I'm not only doing my music but also doing content and everything. I always kind of knew from the start that this is what I am supposed to do.

allkpop: Are there any artists you wish to collaborate with?

Sorn: It would have to be... So I made a really good friend and I've been a fan of her for the longest time, her name is Sinead Harnett. I would love to collaborate with her because vocally, she's just like a vocal queen for me, her voice is so soothing, and the way she writes her music, she's just amazing. so I would love to do a collaboration with her in the future if possible. And also, if there's an opportunity, I would love to also come back to my route and collaborate with all of my K-Pop friends that I have.

allkpop: Aside from making music and creating YouTube and TikTok videos, are there any kind of hobbies or activities you have interested in?

Sorn: These days, I've been really interested in design. [It] started off when I bought an iPad, I have a character named "chonnasaurus," and due to chonnasaurus, I was able to draw and create a lot of ideas around this character, which kind of gave me the inspiration to start drawing and making designs through other things, maybe something in fashion, something new that I want to tap into this year. I started to realize it's something that is really necessary for me and it makes sense for me because, for all my music videos, the stylist had been me and Leonard. We are the stylists of the songs and all of the visual stuff that you all are seeing. So I feel like it would make sense for me to tap into fashion, start designing, maybe clothes for myself, something I could wear on stage and on my other music videos. That's my new hobby that I'm trying to learn and get good at.

allkpop: Is there one thing you think makes you unique or different from other artists? If so, how do you feel about it?

Sorn: Something that makes me stand out from other artists is that I am an artist, I am a singer, but I can also make content and be as entertaining as other creators out there. I don't only have a profession as a singer, but I can also be as good as other creators out there with my content, with my humor. I think that's really rare to find, I guess. I feel like because I've been living in Korea for 10 years as a foreigner and I love [the] language. I think I have this capability to be able to understand people culturally because of my language skills. I think I can connect to more audiences and I can make people feel more related to me. I feel like I am more relatable even if we don't speak the same language or we don't have the same culture. I feel like I have this skill where I can blend in any culture and any type of environment that I'm in and create something out of that and make people feel comfortable with me and relatable to me. I think that's a skill, not all artists [have]. I don't think it's a skill not a lot of people have.

allkpop: Are there any goals, personal or career-wise, you would like to accomplish this year?

Sorn: This year, I'm trying to release as much music as possible. This year, I released two already, so by the end of the year I am hoping to be able to release an EP and have really good quality music so that I can do a tour to actually go out and meet all my fans, my audience in person in whichever country they're at. So that's what I've been aiming for. My producers and my team has been really working hard to make the best music and think of the constant concept so that we have a full-package show to show to my audience this year.

allkpop: Before we end this interview, please share some words for your fans worldwide who have been supporting you since the beginning and who have just followed you recently!

Sorn: I would like to thank everyone for supporting me as always, it's been almost 11 years since I've been here. I feel like this is just the beginning of my solo career life as a singer. It's been really stressful and [I am] also scared at the same time, but so far, I really appreciate every single one of you for the support and all my fans really motivate me to create more music. All the music that we've been releasing so far has been receiving really good feedback from all my fans, so I really appreciate that. I seriously was really scared because I don't know how people are going to see me as a solo artist. I was really scared at first, but you have been really great, so that really motivates me to do better and to be more creative with my work and everything. I would like to say thank you for that. I would love to be able to meet every single one of you before the end of this year or maybe the beginning of next year, maybe film a show, do fan meetings and greet everyone in person because of COVID I actually haven't seen anyone, and recently I was in Singapore, and I met my Singaporean fans out there so I cannot wait to be able to greet you all in person.

  1. CLC
  2. Sorn
14 11,498 Share 79% Upvoted
LittleSukie13,510 pts Wednesday, April 20, 2022 0
Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Considering that this was her original idea, lyrics really fell flat and were lacking depth. I would never see her vision in this particular song.

3 (+3 / -0)
pink_oracle27,113 pts Tuesday, April 19, 2022 2
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

I didn't expect her to say Scorpio was written for/by her and was about her star sign. I really had the impression that it was a pre-written song called Flawless, I mean the word Scorpio features in the lyrics only one time.

1 (+4 / -3)

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