BTS's V updates fans on his golfing journey and acknowledges fan concert support project in Las Vegas
Posted by YeontanNews124,409 pts Monday, April 11, 2022
On April 11, Kim Taehyung updated fans about his recent activities on his Instagram stories. V posted photos of him backstage doing his hair and makeup during the group's first two days of their concert.
He also acknowledged his concert support project at Allegiant Stadium, the venue for BTS's Las Vegas concerts. This was organized by his Chinese fan club, China Baidu Vbar, who was overjoyed to see his post. They are the same fan club that organized one of the birthday projects he visited last December.
The project consists of nine giant pillars surrounding Allegiant Stadium that is broadcasting Taehyung's image the entire 24 hours for four days. The 10-meter high columns are visible to all concert-goers and locals around the area.
Lastly, Taehyung shared a couple of videos of him playing golf at Shadow Creek Golf Course, a popular eighteen-hole golf course located in North Las Vegas. He was cheered by caddies after landing a difficult shot.
He explained earlier in February that he picked up golfing for his Dad, who wished to play with him. But it is clear from recent updates that he has become passionate about the sport.
Taehyung has been steadily updating fans on his golfing journey, and many were impressed at his quick rate of improvement in just two short months. He was praised for learning techniques beyond the beginner level.
Such a sweet guy! Tae really treasures everything from his fans