VIXX's Ravi cracks up after Rocket Punch's Juri tells him to "get out" on his own radio show
Posted by Sophie-Ha Thursday, January 28, 2021
On January 28, Rocket Punch's Juri joined VIXX's Ravi on his radio show 'Question Mark' on NAVER NOW and answered various questions.
During the interview, Ravi asked Juri about her special talent, to which Juri began talking about the drama 'Goblin.' She began explaining that she had watched it and asked Ravi if he had watched it. When he replied that he had not watched it, Juri became surprised and took a while to think before saying, "Na-ga (get out, leave in Korean)." Ravi became surprised and asked, "Then get out? Leave?" as he cracked up. Juri quickly corrected herself, saying, "I meant 'nae-ga' (means I)" and continued to explain, "then you won't know who I am impersonating."
Juri being from Japan, had mixed up the two words that sound similar - Na-ga and Nae-ga - creating this hilarious episode.
As soon as the episode aired, one fan took a short clip of the two artists' conversation and shared it on Twitter, saying that this part was the best scene of the day. The fans wrote: "The best scene of the day lolol 'then...leave...' lolol Kim Ravi who didn't even watch the Goblin leave. lolol. I should leave with Ravi too since I didn't watch it either, lol."
Juri really is the best! She's just really fun and funny without even trying and not only that she's talented too.