The entertainment company claimed that they will take legal action against anyone who spreads false rumors about their artist. However, netizens have used their detective skills to run some research on the "entertainment company."
Many netizens have found that the social media accounts for the company have been recently created and only contain the contents of the recent statements that were posted.
One netizen uncovered that there is no such entertainment company that exists under the name 10X Entertainment except a local DJ duo based in Chicago. As the name 10X Entertainment has been mentioned in the controversy, the DJ duo clarified on their Facebook page that they are not involved with Kim Woojin.
Hi there! It has come to our attention we are being confused with another entity - potentially controversial. Our...
Since then, there has been more suspicious accounts that have appeared recently. These accounts state that they are a close friend of Woojin and claims that he did not sexually harass anyone.
However, many netizens also suspect the legitimacy of these accounts.
He needs to stop... now he's just embarrassing himself
48(+51 / -3)
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Minimome293 ptsTuesday, September 8, 2020 5
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Still thinking he's innocent?
The alleged victim did not provide any time or exact location, yet Woojin's statement is "I was at home at that time"? lmao
Kiddo is literally digging his own grave, right in front of our eyes, and now I fully understand why he got kicked out of SKZ/JYP and what Bang Chan meant in that one V Live.
He needs to stop... now he's just embarrassing himself
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