Yubin had an interview with 'Singles'.
She had a photoshoot with the concept 'Night in the City', and she took over the photoshoot with her chic, confident gaze. On founding and being the CEO of rrr Entertainment, she said, "Founding an entertainment label means freedome and flight to me. I was in the same environment for 13 years, so I wanted to make a new place for myself. I didn't have a big dream. I just wanted to make a fun space for myself with people that I liked. As I became a CEO, I became different from before by being more active in everything. Before, I was timid because of my image as an idol. Now, I act first."
Check out the photos above and below.

I hope this company evolves into something meaningful and doesn't just stay a novelty. It'd be really cool to see Yubin become a mogul (I mean, beyond the rich and successful person she already is).
Also, "freedome"? Come on, AllKPop.