Nine Muses' SungA is getting married!

On May 8 KST, SungA posted a handwritten letter on Nine Muses' official fan cafe to announce her marriage with DJ DaQ. The letter reads as follows:
"Hello, it's been awhile. It's Nine Muses' Son Sung Ah.
I remember my last album being 'Sleepless Night' in 2015. Since then, I've been getting close to music and found a new challenge as a DJ. I had my first DJ performance which allowed me to once again feel the excitement I felt when I first went on stage as a singer.
During that process, I was introduced to DJ DaQ by a peer and we've had musical communication and I received advice from him that helped me become a DJ. Our relationship developed and our love grew. We're getting married on May 20.
I'm extremely happy that I've met someone who I can dream together with and learn from. I'll repay the great love you give me with even better music. I love you."

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