K-Pop idols are known for looking absolutely perfect - 24/7. Yet, there have been moments in time where they were caught simply looking their worst for some hilarious results! Whether on stage, at a fan meeting or in an MV, fans can't help but laugh (in a lighthearted manner) at these hilarious candid shots! Check them out below and see if you can resist cracking a smile.



SEE ALSO: Samuel Seo announces marriage on ‘Undercover’, dedicating song to fiancée
When your mom talks on the phone too much.
When your friend tries aegyo for the first time so you tried to hide their embarrassment.

When you're caught eating the last slice of pizza but you still try to hide it.

Everyone's face when they finally turn old enough to drink!
When you finally drink and try to act sober before entering your friend's house.
That moment you are ready to smack a bish.
When your teacher hands you your final test paper you thought you aced and you got 52%.

When you pull up to a red light and see the passenger sleeping like...
When you got room for more at the Christmas dinner.

When your friend tries to steal your high note at Karaoke and you're like, "Nu-uh, bish!"

When you get that new K-Pop accessory and you are feeling yoself!

Sliding into your favorite idols' DM like...
When your friends save you from fainting because your favorite group released new teaser images!
But then your favorite idol groups' comeback wasn't all that.
And you still can't believe they got an all-kill with said comeback.

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