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This strange method involved the girlfriend demanding that her boyfriend eat the food she already half chewed, to "test his love." The girlfriend explained that it all began with a candy that he happily ate, and ever since then she'd offer her boyfriend her half chewed food. If he refused, she'd point out that it seems he didn't love her.
Girl's Day Sojin, who was one of the guests on the show, had a hard time hiding her disgust at the man's tale, and said, "A candy is enough." The MCs, who saw the idol's reaction, asked her, "How do you feel about giving your boyfriend the food you ate?"
Sojin replied, "Ew, I wouldn't like that," with a disgusted look on her face. Yura seemed to agree as she added later, "If my boyfriend tried to test my love by giving me the food he had half chewed, I'd be angry and ask what he's doing."
MC Lee Young Ja also brought laughs, wisecracking, "I can't even imagine giving my boyfriend my food," to the audience's amusement.

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