G-Dragon showed off his unique fashion sense yet again.
On December 19th, he posted two photos that he took in London. In the photos, he was wearing a long red trench coat paired with a black fur hat that covered his entire head. He added a giant baseball to the mix, adding on further onto the quirkiness of the photo.
Even though the mix of the red trenchcoat and the black fur hat was not an easy combination to pull off, G-Dragon managed to make it look good even if his face was mostly covered.
Just posted instagr.am/p/TY87VDtgE9/
— G-DRAGON (@IBGDRGN) December 18, 2012
Just posted again instagr.am/p/TY9JOUtgFH/
— G-DRAGON (@IBGDRGN) December 18, 2012
Netizens commented, "No matter what he wears, GD has swag flowing down", "Not many can pull off that in a red coat", and "The hat is twice his head size".
Big Bang recently left London to go back to Korea, where they will be preparing for their finale of their tour.

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