MBC's popular variety show, "Infinity Challenge", recently reached its sixth anniversary and PD Kim Tae Ho shared a photo of some unique gifts the cast received from their fans. On May 13th, Kim Tae Ho tweeted, "DC Inside sent the members and producers a jacket to congratulate us on the 6th year anniversary of 'Infinity Challenge'. It's the best. We will also do our best like it is the 9th inning with 2 outs, 2 strikes, and 3 balls." The baseball jacket carries the trademark of 'Infinity Challenge' - the question mark. Although it's a simple design, the black on white logo stood out and made netizens envy the cast for the cool jackets. Netizens who saw this commented, "Congratulations on the 6th year anniversary of 'Infinity Challenge'! I want a jacket like that too!" and "It would be fun if all the members come out wearing it that one time." Source: My Daily
Fans give 'Infinity Challenge' members & staff special jackets for 6th anniversary
Posted by 0 pt Saturday, May 14, 2011
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