It was reported that the Twitter and Facebook accounts claiming to be Shin Min Ah are all fake. Recently netizens discovered Shin Min Ah's Twitter account, under the name '@minaasin'. In this Twitter, the impostor left tweets such as "I'm currently on set and recording for SBS drama 'My Girlfriend is a Nine-tailed Fox, please give it lots of love", and "I'm so excited because of Gumiho." Actor Park Jung Hoon even mistook this Twitter to be authentic, leaving her a message saying, "Sunbaenim I'm sorry. I'm following you now." However on September 5th, Shin Min Ah's associates have revealed, "This Twitter is fake. Shin Min Ah is currently only on me2day." The impostor's Twitter has since been deleted.
Shin Min Ah does not have a Twitter
Posted by 8 pts Wednesday, September 8, 2010
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