On the upcoming episode of MBC's newest show Bouquet set to broadcast on August 1st, different celebrities' pictures from the past were revealed on the show's corner "Bring Up The Image." The celebrities that had their past pictures revealed include 4minute, Secret, Roo'ra's Kim Ji Hyun, Yoo Chae Young, Kim Sae Rom, racing model Goo Ji Sung and even MCs Kim Yong Man and Jung Hyung Don. The celebrities were surprised and embarrased of their photos as it is known that Kim Sae Rom even tried to deny that the figure in the photo was herself, while when Goo Ji Sung's middle and high school photos were revealed, she was embarrased to the point where she laughed at her own picture. A couple of photos were revealed ahead of the show's broadcast as you can see the childhood picture of Secret's Sunhwa (left), as well as Kim Sae Rom in a bikini (right) below. Stay tuned to the broadcast of Bouquet on August 1st to see the rest of the celebrities' past photos!
Sunhwa, Kim Sae Rom, Jung Hyung Don and Kim Yong Man past pictures revealed
Posted by 3 pts Thursday, July 29, 2010
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