Currently undergoing through hiatus, singer Lee Sung Jin of NRG has been arrested under the charge of scam on the 24th. Lee Sung Jin was initially summoned to the police station at Chung Joo for being charged with scam, and he had voluntarily showed up for questioning. However, another report of his crime reported at another police station had come in quickly after on the very same day, resulting in an immediate arrest on the spot. He was then transferred to Yongdongpo police station. Lee Sung Jin allegedly received a loan of $20,000 from a man named Lee, but refused to pay back for a long period of time. The fallen star is currently being held at Yongdongpo police station and awaiting further investigations.
NRG's Lee Sung Jin arrested for alleged scam!
Posted by 5 pts Wednesday, March 24, 2010
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