During an interview for the hit new drama "Dream," actor Kim Bum has assertively declared veteran actor Jo In Sung as his idol and the one star that he'd most like to emulate. Kim Bum stated, "Jo In Sung is very similar to me in that his acting debut was through a sitcom. He was then able to participate in successful dramas like "Piano" and become widely accepted as a top star. As I witnessed his progress, I thought to myself that I'd love to be just like him and learn from him." Even before Kim Bum's debut, he enjoyed watching Jo In Sung's acting. He then confessed that he watched and analyzed not only Jo In Sung's acting skills, but his every move- even in his personal life. When asked if he ever thought about returning to sitcoms, Kim Bum stated that sitcoms are such a fun genre, and given the opportunity, he'd love to try it out again. Specifically, he liked the fact that sitcoms make people laugh and feel happy. Kim Bim shows off his acting versatility and professionalism through his different roles. On this particular day, Kim endured the grueling task of shooting action scenes outdoors and receiving numerous blows from his opponent during a boxing match. Considering the amount of love he has been receiving, it wouldn't be surprising if Kim Bum's success were to one day surpass that of his idol. The respect these colleagues have for each other is admirable!
Kim Bum idolizes Jo In Sung
Posted by 0 pt Friday, September 11, 2009
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