On January 30th, a refreshing and candid talk show aired on Dex's Fridge Interview, featuring a heart-to-heart conversation between Jisoo of BLACKPINK and her fellow 1995-born, Dex. The show offered a unique insight into the life of Jisoo, with the singer sharing personal anecdotes from her early days in the industry.
During the interview, Jisoo revealed how she initially didn’t know much about YG Entertainment before auditioning. She ended up becoming a trainee and, unexpectedly, made her debut with BLACKPINK shortly thereafter. The discussion also delved into her ideal type and the kind of people she is drawn to, providing a glimpse into her personal preferences.
As the conversation turned to food, Jisoo introduced her favorite dishes from her fridge. She shared her love for spicy food, mentioning how she enjoys hotpot when traveling abroad, as well as spicy dumplings and spicy rice cakes. Her down-to-earth, genuine personality shone through as she spoke freely about her tastes and interests.
This episode of 'Dex's Fridge Interview' gave viewers a chance to experience Jisoo's charming and relatable side, showcasing her natural, honest allure.
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