Heads of film production companies and entertainment labels have tested positive for COVID-19 after a private social event.
It was reported they met in early December, and three out of five people were tested positive for COVID-19. Specifically, two representatives of film production companies (A, B), two directors of big entertainment labels (C, D), and a renowned film production insider (E) have met to celebrate the end of the year. Mr, A, C, and D were tested positive while E was tested negative for COVID-19. Mr.B is still waiting for the results.
On December 7th, another senior-level employee from one of the aforementioned labels confided, "As soon as our directors were sent for testing, anyone who had an overlapping track was notified and then tested as well. Fortunately, no one else came to be positive for COVID-19 but they are all self-quarantining per the guidelines."
Stay tuned for updates.
Well, they basically asked for it.