
Big Byung come out of retirement for season 2 premiere of 'Hitmaker'

Posted by starsung89 pts Saturday, December 13, 2014
BTOB, Sungjae, VIXX, Cha Hak Yeon (N), Hyuk, Jung Hyung Don, Defconn, GOT7, Jackson
Big Byung (Big Bottle), who previously held their 'debut and retirement' stage on 'Weekly Idol' with the end of 'Hitmaker' season 1, have reunited to make a comeback for season 2!

SEE ALSO: BTOB drops vibrant 'LOVE TODAY' MV from New [EP BTODAY]

GOT7's JacksonBTOB's Sungjae, and VIXX's N and Hyuk, who previously reinvented themselves as Wang Kong, Yook Duk, Dolbaek-e, and Hyuk Ddi, reunited and caught up with each other on their success since season one. They then had the task of convincing Brave Duble Tiger (Jung Hyung Don and Defconn) to help Big Byung once again. The boys seemed like they couldn't be any happier to be back together as they talked about their big dreams and hopes for the project group, including holding promotions, fan meetings, concerts, and even doing a season 3!

To figure out if Big Byung was a success, Brave Duble Tiger read over the group's achievements, which included 14,000 members in their fan cafe and over 1 million views on their MV. 

When asked how many times they watched the "Stress Come On" MV, the members shared that they all had watched it multiple times, with Sungjae coming out on top, having watched it over 20 times. He revealed that he had such affection and attachment towards Big Byung that he watched the MV over and over, and pointed out he was also the first to arrive on scene for season 2 filming. 

When the two producers told the group members to write down the things they did wrong and to reflect on from season 1, N brought laughs as he said his wrongdoing was that he was too sexy on a show that is meant for the general public. This left the producers to poke fun at N, telling him he needs to give up his greed for having a sexy image as they pointed out that he looks old for his age and is the worst looking among the Big Byung members. N, however, ranked himself #1 in visuals, followed by Hyuk as #2, Sungjae as #3, which left Jackson for #4 to Jackson's protest. 

Big Byung also made up a new group greeting by combining the key choreography moves from VIXX, BTOB, and GOT7's latest songs. 

Welcome back this hilarious project group as you check out the episode above!

  1. BTOB
  2. Sungjae
  3. VIXX
  4. Cha Hak Yeon (N)
  5. Hyuk
  6. Jung Hyung Don
  7. Defconn
  8. GOT7
  9. Jackson
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