Bronze Medalist is a recently released sports drama movie. Lee Ji Bong, played by Lee Bum Soo, is the main protagonist based on a true story of a weightlifter who breaks his arm during the 1988 Seoul Olympics and is rewarded the Bronze medal. He retires as a weight lifter due to an injury and then takes on the job as a coach at an all girls middle school. He coaches these group of girls to a record breaking performance of 14 gold medals out of 15 at the 81st National Sports Festival in 2000. Till this day, no one has broken such record. The six girls include: Young Ja (Jo An), Hyeon Jeong (Jeon Bo Mi), Soo Ok (Lee Seul Bi), Bo Young (Kim Min Young), Min Hee (Lee Yoon Hoi), and Yeo Soon (Choi Mun Gyeong). Weightlifting was generally ignored in South Korea until Sa Jae-Hyouk and Jang Mi-Ran recently won gold medals at the Beijing Olympics for weightlifting. Bronze seems like it's a charming movie, You can view the trailer below: credit: freeta
Weight Lifting with "Bronze Medalist"
Posted by 0 pt Wednesday, July 8, 2009
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