This is genius: backpacks made of food, glorious food!

Posted by Pakman31 pts Thursday, June 26, 2014

Are you the kind of person who eats when you're bored? No? Just me? Okay well before we point out the obvious fact that you're lying to yourself (or that I'm just a pig who needs to go into the corner and cry into her fat rolls right now), check out what these genius Korean high students have invented--snackpacks! Backpacks made out of snacks! Say whaaat. (Insert disgusting burp-drool-chortle here.)�

Your brain may be bored but your tummy don't have to be! Munch all you want throughout your school days with these snackpacks.

In these pictures, students have used snacks such as�peppero (Korean pocky), shrimp crackers, yakult (Korean yogurt drink), and even instant noodles (all the ramen and things).�

One pair has even prepared their snackpacks for a particular celebration, shaping them into hearts and writing, "Congratulations on graduating," on them. Such thoughtful hoobaes (underclassmen), preparing the sacrifice for a graduating senior's hearty meal.�

OH MAN, I spy me some Skittles! Gimme some of that rainbow love for my own snackpack! And do my noob eyes fool me or are those... possibly... chocolate coins?!?

What would you guys put in your snackpack? Let us know in the comments below! Now excuse me while I go eat my feelings. Happiness, here I come. OM NOM NOM.�

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