Lee Seo Jin has openly admitted that he has given up on marriage.
In a video uploaded on March 8 to the YouTube channel DdeunDdeun, Lee Seo Jin, along with Kim Kwang Gyu and Ji Seok Jin, discussed their thoughts on marriage and happiness.
When asked if he felt unhappy, Lee Seo Jin responded, "Do I look unhappy? I actually enjoy being alone and feel grateful for my life." He continued, "I've experienced a lot of happiness in other aspects of life, so I think it's okay to let go of marriage. You can't have everything."
He acknowledged the trade-off, saying, "I have the freedom to travel and enjoy life, but I won’t have the happiness that comes from having a family. People say the joy of having children is the greatest, but I don’t think I’ll ever experience that."

During the conversation, Lee Seo Jin recalled a humorous incident involving Kim Kwang Gyu at a matchmaking company’s gathering. Kim Kwang Gyu jokingly asked about his ranking if he were to join, and despite the company avoiding the question, he was ultimately told he was a D-grade. When he demanded to know Lee Seo Jin’s ranking, they responded, "He cannot be ranked."
Regarding his own ideal type, Lee Seo Jin simply stated, "I don’t have one. I’m not even thinking about marriage right now. If something happens, it happens, but at this point, I don’t see it in my future."
He added with a laugh, "A car accident might happen, but love won’t."