Actress Go Eun Ah, also known as MBLAQ Mir's older sister, has pleaded with people to stop visiting her new house, and to "please keep it to yourselves if you do find out" her new home address.
On May 18th, Mir uploaded on his YouTube Channel 'Bang Family' a video titled, "You cannot just come to Go Eun Ah's house. She is a child who gets scared easily".
Go Eun Ah began the video by saying, "I deliberated a lot on whether to film this video or not. First off, thank you so much." Mir, who was filming his sister, said behind the camera, "What happened is that Go Eun Ah recently moved to a new house. If you have seen the shows, you would know that her new house has been revealed on our YouTube Channel 'Bang Family', as well as the TV Variety Show 'My Little Old Boy'."
Go Eun Ah stated, "I don't know how they knew, but several people would leave presents for me in front of my house. Anyway, thank you so much. I think some of them are people who live here as well, but thank you for your heartfelt gifts. But on the other hand, if you think about it, things can turn a little dangerous which is why I wanted to film this video."
She then continued on to say, "If you ever happen to see me go inside my house and get to know my address, please keep the information to yourselves. I go outside for a walk every single day. I would prefer if we can just meet outside and have a nice conversation. I love the idea of meeting friendly new neighbors." Mir contributed to this and said, "Yeah, I think just drinking coffee together like that outside is much better. To be honest, this is something that was difficult to bring up because there were feelings of gratitude as well, and we wanted to relay our sincere thanks for your gifts. We're not saying this because of you guys (channel subscribers), but due to the possibility of a bad person approaching us."
Mir stated, "There are so many buildings here, I don't even know how anyone found her. Go Eun Ah is very alert and has a lot of fear. She can't even fall asleep when our dog cries. She comes running to her family members when this happens."
Go Eun Ha said, "I am not trying to say this about you, subscribers. In a way, it is you guys who helped me realize that I may have exposed myself to a dangerous situation."
Mir then finished the video by joking, "Go Eun Ah has been constantly bombarded with negative comments for a really long time, so she can't get used to receiving this much love".
'Bang Family' is a YouTube channel run originally by Mir, where he talked about his behind the scene life as an idol member of MBLAQ. However, he soon transitioned it into a family YouTube channel, where he and his sisters share their hilarious lifestyles to their viewers. Watch the video on their YouTube channel below!
I really like Go Eunah's personality, all natural and dgaf attitude, however, is it too unlikely for a woman to act like that? Hahahahaha she's so hilarous on "My Little Old Boy". I wish her mom would be on the studio as a mom guest as well.