Some idols are just notorious for being funny. But B1A4's Sandeul, he just might be living the funniest sitcom ever just by living his own life... and netizens are crying from laughing so hard, watching the hilarious show known as 'Sandeul'!
Proof that women can sometimes find men changing their clothes unsexy:

Boobie attacked for no reason:

Can't hug his own member without a black eye:

Why did you step up so close to the front...

Why didn't you try to like, move away...

Seagull attacks his expensive ice cream:

That's not a yellow pillow:

Popping a button while doing choreo:

Breaking the props then acting like nothing happened:

Way too excited about bouncing around until he lands flat on his butt:

Twirling his magic wand prettily but then he hits his member in the groin:

Acts like he did nothing wrong:

That's not how it works:

That's not how it works... part 2:

First time holding a Shake Shack burger in his hands:

Getting attacked by savage maknae:

Drinking water... yes that's just water:

This is a little bit too "real" even though they told him to film a "reality":

Good at this for no reason:

Acts instinctively rather than like a civilized, cultured idol:

Are you ROFL-ing yet? Netizens definitely are, commenting, "So damn funny kekekeke", "He must be the purest cutest type ever kekekeke", "I cried from laughing too hard kekeke", "Sandeul never changes kekekeke", "I've seen these GIFs before but I still can't stop laughing kekekeke", and more!
He brings joy to all around him...XD
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