Seungri's side spoke up about the financial transaction between Seungri and women from an adult entertainment facility.
On April 15, the police held a press conference to give an update on Seungri's prostitution case. The police announced they're investigating the financial transaction of two women who attended Seungri's birthday party at Palawan in 2017.
The women admitted to having sexual intercourse during Seungri's birthday party but claimed it was voluntary.
Seungri's side also admitted to inviting women from adult entertainment facilities but denied any relation to prostitution. Seungri's rep stated,"We can't say there was prostitution just because he sent money to the entertainment facility's account," and added, "If the money was given in exchange for prostitution, then wouldn't he have to receive the money back from women who did not have any sexual intercourse at the party?"
Meanwhile, the police believe the amount of money sent to the entertainment facility is too large to be solely considered as travel fees.
So he pays a brothel (sorry for using that word) to send prostitutes over to his party BUT it is not prostitution ? Lmao he is ridiculous
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