Seungri has refused to hand over his cellphone to the police for investigation.
Seungri (Lee Seunghyun, 29) and Jung Joon Young (30), participants in the controversial hidden camera katalk chatroom, underwent police investigation on the 14th. According to a report by the Dong-A Ilbo on the 15th, the two men asked for advice from their lawyers because they feared consequences of submitting their phones.
According to the Ilbo, Joon Young had consulted with his lawyer 3 years ago after he was sued by his then girlfriend for circulating a hidden camera about her on the chatroom. He was worried about the contents of the chatroom being released and his lawyer advised, "This is a big problem because the hidden camera was filmed in secret. Do not give your cellphone to the police."
Other members in the chatroom were also worried if the chats were to be released publicly and Joon Young even asked, "If I erase the videos, would they be able to recover them? It will look strange if I submit a new phone. I told my agency to take care of it." After being sued, Joon Young them left his phone with a private forensic company and attended the investigation 2 days later and stated, "I cannot submit my cellphone because I lost it."
At that time the police investigated him without securing the phone in question and the case was sent to prosecution 3 days later. Joon Young apologized for the controversy and even posted an apology recording file in the chatroom 3 hours before the press conference and the chatroom members laughed.
Now under suspicion of the another similar hidden camera incident, Joon Young told the Police during his investigation on the 14th, "I replaced my cell phone two weeks ago."Seungri also did not respond to the police's request to submit his cell phone.
"I cannot submit my cellphone because I lost it" Sorry teacher, I cannot submit my paperwork because my dog ate it. How old is he, 12?
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