The people behind Solbi's fake pornography video have just been brought into custody. To recap, a video has been floating around since 2009 on various portals sites, blogs, and porn sites under the title, 'Solbi's manager's leaked video' 'High Quality'. The video showed a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Solbi, and as a result, a scandal broke out over the 'sex tape'. It even resulted in the break up between Solbi and her boyfriend at the time. Solbi stated, "Due to the spread of a pornography clip titled, 'Singer Solbi', which featured a woman who wasn't me, my mental suffering has been great... I thought that if I didn't take action, more misunderstandings could arise. Thus, I have decided to sue the people responsible, even it means hurting my image, in hopes that I will no longer have to suffer [over this issue]." On November 9th, the Cyber Investigation Unit revealed that five people had been indicted on the account of various charges, such as defamation of character and the spread of obscene material. Those brought into custody stated that they had spread the 30-minute video "for fun". Source: Star News via Naver
Police arrest individuals behind Solbi's fake sex tape
Posted by 47 pts Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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