Back in June, former member of BTOB, Jung Ilhoon, was sentenced to 2 years in prison and a fine of 133 million KRW (~120,000 USD) on charges of habitual smoking of cannabis.
On the morning of October 7, the second hearing was held for his appeal trial in violation of the Narcotics Control Act at the 13th Criminal Division of the Seoul High Court.
On this day, Jung Ilhoon sat in the defendant's seat in a prison uniform.
In this appeal trial, some of Jung Ilhoon's charges were changed. The fact that Jung Illhoon and the other defendants were conned and paid additional fees as a deferred collection was omitted from the indictment; therefore, these charges were changed.
It was requested that the missing information from Jung Ilhoon's cannabis smoking case be added, and the court will grant permission to change the indictment. The court also asked lawyers to organize the issue of additional fines and make documents so that a resolution trial can proceed on the next date.
Jung Il hoon acknowledged all the changed charges. In addition, Jung Ilhoon's legal representative delivered petitions signed by overseas fans. Ilhoon's legal representative said, "A lot of petitions have arrived from overseas fans. I collected them and submitted them once last time, but I translated more again this time."
Jung Ilhoon reportedly submitted a total of 58 letters of apology from July to October after the case was handed over to the appellate court on June 28. He handed an additional 20 apology statements since the appeal case on September 2. This is interpreted as the attempt to reduce sentencing by strongly expressing the intention of self-reflection.
Meanwhile, former BTOB member Ilhoon was previously found to have smoked marijuana several times after a police investigation confirmed the allegations against the artist. It was revealed that Ilhoon had spent over 133 million KRW (~ $117,000 USD) in virtual currency, submitted in 161 payment increments, in order to purchase 820 grams of marijuana. The singer admitted to all the charges and apologized in court.
2 yrs for weed what about the rapist and sexual assault perpetrators that get community service 🤔
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