Yesterday, the YG plans for 2020 were revealed, TREASURE 13 fans were alerted to how TREASURE 13 were not included in the plans. A lot of fanbases decided to trend '#YGLetTREASURE13Debut' January 5th at 7 pm KST.
Throughout 2019, the boys were seen filming for what could be their first reality show, their debut was scheduled for May/July, but was cancelled shortly thereafter. Fans are starting to worry as YG does not give any announcements about it.
TREASURE 13 was announced in February, They were the result of YG's latest survival program called 'YG Treasure Box'
I mean, they ofc we’re going to wait until this year. People are going to trash them as soon as they debut just bc of their company specially if they had debuted last year. Yet the same people are demanding their debut. Pshhh. I hope they have a great debut bc they all truly are very talented and waited enough.