
Former N.Flying member Kwangjin denies he sexually harassed a fan

Posted by yckim124763 pts Monday, April 29, 2019

Former N.Flying member Kwangjin spoke up about the sexual harassment rumors. 

On April 29, Kwangjin shared a screenshot of the tweet that sparked the sexual harassment rumors. The tweet claimed Kwangjin sexually harassed a fan at a fan meeting by touching her legs under the table and asking her to date. 

Kwangjin strongly denied the accusation in a lengthy post. He stated, 

"The post above is the post that put 'sexual harassment' next to my name. The post of provocative content is false information that has been created to drag down a person. I cannot describe in words the damage I received because of it."

He continued, "During fan sign events, there are managers and marketing team members behind me, and hundreds of fans in front of me. The tables set up for the fan sign event is blocked with a board or a curtain so the fans' legs don't' touch mine. The acts stated in the post cannot occur in that situation."

Kwangjin emphasized, "I did not sexually harass. It states that I tapped her (legs) while trapping her legs between mine. That cannot happen and it did not happen."

Kwangjin announced he's preparing legal action against the false rumors and asked netizens to report screenshots of similar posts to him. He also expressed the willingness to forgive, stating, "I will consider forgiveness if you sincerely apologize to me."

Back in December 2018, Kwangjin voluntarily left N.Flying following controversies. 

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안녕하세요 권광진 입니다. 지금 위에 있는 글이 바로 제 이름에 ‘성추행’ 이라는 수식어를 붙게 만든 글입니다. 이는 자극적인 내용을 이용해 한 사람을 끌어내리기 위해 작성된 허위사실이며, 이로 인해 제가 입은 피해는 이루 말 할 수 없을 정도입니다. 팬사인회를 진행 할 때 제 뒤로는 매니저님과 팬마케팅팀 분들이, 앞으로는 100분의 팬분들이 계십니다. 또한 팬사인회를 진행하기 위해 설치된 테이블은 철판 또는 커텐으로 막혀져 있어 팬분들과 저의 다리가 최대한 닿지 않도록 되어 있습니다. 구조적으로도, 상황상으로도 절대 저 글 속의 행동은 일어날 수 없습니다. 저는 성추행을 하지 않았습니다. 다리 사이에 무릎을 가두고 통통 건드렸다구요? 이는 결코 일어날 수 없는 일이며, 일어난 적 또한 없는 일입니다. 저는 결코 팬사인회에서 팬의 무릎을 다리 사이에 가두고 통통 건드린적이 없으며, 사인회를 진행하며 고의적으로 팬과 신체적인 접촉을 한 적 또한 없습니다. 이렇게 허위사실을 작성, 유포하고 이 글을 토대로 성추행에 관련된 해시태그를 이용하여 글을 작성하신 분들에 대한 고소를 진행중입니다. 고소를 진행하면서 첨부한 사진처럼 DM이나 제 오픈카톡을 통해 진심으로 사과해주신 분들이 있습니다. 이전에 말한 바와 같이, 진심으로 제게 사과를 하신다면 선처에 참고하겠습니다. #권광진 #건강진 #성추행 #고소 #팬싸인회 #트위터 #DM #엔피아 #nfia #엔플라잉 #사과 #인스티즈 #디시인사이드 #네이트판 #건강검진 #용서

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  1. N.Flying
11 15,310 Share 78% Upvoted
v98254 pts Monday, April 29, 2019 3
Monday, April 29, 2019

He is right that at 90% of fanmeetings, companies do a damn good job at making sure there's little to no physical contact between fans and members. I can't imagine one of the staff, or another fan, not hearing him asking a random chick if she wanted to date right there at a fanmeet. I really doubt he sexually harassed anyone and that this was a nuts fan doing what they do best and had him leave the group. It would piss me off if we have actual news of people being sexual harassed and assaulted, but someone goes out of their way to lie and ruin someones life/rep for nothing.

21 (+21 / -0)

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Secretninja3127,645 pts Monday, April 29, 2019 0
Monday, April 29, 2019

In light of recent events (though this did happen before the big “purge” as I’d like to call it), I can see how a crazy delusional or over zealous fan can easily exaggerate a situation or straight up lie just to ruin an idol’s life and career. And because of what’s been going down lately In the industry, it’s very easy for other people to quickly believe rumors and cast aside an idol without a second thought. Fans just have too much power these days and they’re not afraid to take advantage of it. I’m not saying he’s innocent, but I do think we need to at least give him the benefit of the doubt since no clear definitive evidence has been shown. If an actual sexual harassment or assault incident took place then charges should be filed and the incident should be investigated by professionals (and not online sleuths) and if it’s at a fan meeting, then there’d be hundreds of witnesses and cameras everywhere. If he’s guilty then he’ll suffer the consequences, but id he is innocent then the accuser should be punished. I’d hate to see an innocent persons career and hard work be ruined because an antifan had their own agenda.

9 (+9 / -0)


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