In light of Big Bang member Seungri completing his 1st personal investigation with police, representatives from the Seoul police spoke with media outlets to clarify the investigation's status.
As previously reported, Seungri headed in for police questioning on February 27 at approximately 9 PM KST. He was dismissed after 8.5 hours, on February 28 at 5:30 AM KST.
During this first questioning, it's been revealed that Seungri denied all allegations involving club 'Burning Sun's distribution of illegal drugs, claims that he hired prostitutes for his foreign "clients", etc. Regarding the earlier media reports which accused Seungri of exchanging Kakao Talk messages with his business partners about illegal activity, Seungri stated that he never exchanged any of the messages mentioned in the news report, and added that he does not remember the full context of the situation from over 3 years ago.
After Seungri's first questioning, police told media outlets, "Currently, [Seungri] is not an overt suspect in the case; he is an internal suspect (a suspect who may or may not be guilty of accused crimes, and who police choose to question discreetly rather than openly)."
The police continued, "In terms of the case regarding claims of hiring prostitution, further investigation is required for completely accurate results." The investigation will move forward by questioning various other individuals involved in the case.
All this news about Seungri what about SOPA 1/3/19
Edit 15/3/19:
Holy sh!t okay if anyone is bothered to see this again, I wanna say that I did NOT expect everything to turn out this way for Seungri YG and whoever is involved in this sick case (since it was initially alleged). Generally SOPA's news was startling but not even close or as severe as this disgusting case of legit crime. Sorry to those who were hurt by my comment, did it in a impulse to all the news about Seungri because it just had to be right after SOPA news but the timing was just what it was. Honestly after reading all the consecutive new news about this case, yeh my comment ain't the sh!t, we should really seek justice for those people badly affected by it and hope everything disgusting that's happened in the industry in this case can be fvcking exposed and cleared.
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