A singer has been caught for copyright infringement? It appears veteran singer Kim Jang Hoon recently got under fire for an almost Chun Song Yi-like SNS incident. While there were no puns or anything silly, he had got himself in trouble with his words without realizing the consequences.
He wrote on Twitter and Facebook on February 18 for all the world to see, "Today is my first time in a month to rest, so I downloaded 'Taken 3,' but the subtitles were randomly in Arabic. What is this? I can't concentrate at all on even the sad and sincere scenes. It's like I'm being punished for a wrongdoing. Do you remember in the past, during a performance of 'My Way,' when I said we should sing together and put up the lyrics in Arabic?" and uploaded a scene from the movie with the Arabic subtitles.
As a response, people suspected him of illegally downloading the movie, so he said, "I legally downloaded it after paying. Are there still places to do illegal downloads these days? Ah, what a distrustful society," and blocked the netizen who brought up the suspicion.
The commotion didn't die down as on February 20, he wrote on Facebook, "After waking up, I see that things have gotten very big. It feels like I need to give some concrete explanation, but I feel like the Cyber Crime Unit would be the most concrete, so I'm calling here and there, but I couldn't really get in touch very well since yesterday. After discussing with the crime unit, I will try to concretely relay the situation."
His rep told Newsen on the same day, "I got in touch with Kim Jang Hoon, but we're unable to grasp the exact situation right now. We think that Kim Jang Hoon was not completely sure, either, whether the download was legal or illegal. Kim Jang Hoon downloaded 'Taken 3' through a downloading site that his manager uses, so he didn't think it could be illegal." Whoa, way to sell out the manager.
The rep continued, "Kim Jang Hoon is trying to completely resolve the issue by personally contacting the police. He will probably reveal the situation through Facebook, as well."
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