On September 27, ONF's agency stoked anticipation for their upcoming comeback by releasing a new highlight medley live video. The video, showcasing the 7th mini album 'LOVE EFFECT', was posted on ONF's official channel, causing a surge in comeback excitement among fans.
The video begins with a sneak peek of the mini album's title song, "Love Effect", with subsequent songs "Be Here Now", "Dam Dam Di Ram", "Arrival", and "Wind Effect" following in sequence. This medley encapsulates the varied melodies of each track in the album, lending a multi-faceted preview of the music to come.
ONF's 'LOVE EFFECT' is slated to be released across various music platforms at 6 PM on October 4 KST. Fans are waiting in anticipation for this mini-album that promises an expansive, emotive journey of love.
ONF sparks excitement with preview of 'LOVE EFFECT' through medley highlight video
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
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Love Effect is so totally ONF, in these few bars alone you know instantly that this is a ONF song. Hyun Hwang produced it of course....