On January 28, Super Junior's Kyuhyun appeared as a guest on KBS2's 'Yoo Hee Yeol's Sketchbook' in light of his recent solo comeback!
For this 'Sketchbook' guest appearance, Kyuhyun performed his 4th mini album title track "Love Story", as well as the OST "Love Beyond Words" sung for the music drama 'Soundtrack #1', plus a number from the musical 'Frankenstein'.
Afterward, during the talk segment, MC Yoo Hee Yeol revealed something interesting about Kyuhyun. It turned out, Kyuhyun had released an album when he was 6-years old!
Kyuhyun explained, "My parents had me and my older sister participate in a carol album when we were kids. And it wasn't a real carol album produced by a distribution company or anything like that. It was just a few kids in the neighborhood, 6 of us gathered together. Each of the parents chipped in a little and it was produced using those funds, as a fun little keepsake project."
Hearing this, MC Yoo Hee Yeol stated, "We have obtained audio from this carol album that 6-year old Jo Kyuhyun sang in. This may be the first time ever that this audio is being revealed to the public."
Both Kyuhyun and MC Yoo Hee Yeol smiled as they listened to the audio snippet, and Yoo Hee Yeol eventually remarked, "You sang well even as a child." However, Kyuhyun laughed and refuted, "It's not really good or bad. It's just a kid singing!"
Listen to little Kyuhyun's carol song in the video above (~ 1:08 mark), and also check out more clips from this week's 'Sketchbook' below!
What a cute idea for a keepsake.