Do you enjoy zero-calorie products? Coke Zero Sugar and Pepsi Zero have been widely available in the United States for some time, and they have been sold in South Korea too.
However -- there has been a drastic increase in the sales and wants of "zero calorie" products by South Korean consumers, and the entire country has been hopping on the "zero" train. Consumers are happy to eat or drink products that have essentially the same taste as the original product, and it doesn't contribute to weight gain as it is zero calories! Though there is the controversy that sugar alternatives can be unhealthier in the long term, zero-calorie products have gone full swing in the country!
Today -- we'll be checking out some products that were recently released in South Korea as zero-calorie products. These items may be familiar as most of these have been in the market for quite a while, but they recently released a zero-calorie version of it, and consumers have been going crazy for it! So let's go ahead and check this list out!
Milkis Zero

Saero (Zero Calorie Soju from Chum Churum)

Pepsi Mango Zero

Coolpis Sparkling Zero

McCol Zero (Korean Root Beer)

Welch's Zero


Jinro Zero Sugar

What are your thoughts? Can you tell the country has been going insane over the zero-calorie craze? People in Korea are very concerned about their figures, and experts think that it is a huge factor in the surge of new zero products. So if you're on a diet yet you're craving a nice soda or drink, make sure to try these products out!
What do you think of this list? Have you tried any of these zero-calorie products? Do you know of any other zero-calorie products in South Korea that have been on the rise lately? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!
Has no one ever told them that the sweeteners they use instead of sugar are actually carcinogenic????? it's way MORE dangerous than sugar !!!
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