On February 5th, Marvel Comics' freelance writer Jed Mackay retweeted a tweet from PREVIEWSworld relaying news regarding the upcoming 3rd Taskmaster comic. According to the revealed sneak peek at the upcoming episode, Taskmaster will go against the Korean hero 'Taegukgi' from South Korea's national superhuman espionage agency. 'Taegukgi' is also the flag of South Korea.
Further details are yet to be revealed but this preview was enough to raise Marvel fans in Korea's anticipations. Fans shared their excitement commenting, "I hope Taegukgi become popular so he can reappear", "Marvel has a character representing Korea!", "I don't know why but I feel proud".
shakennotstirred1,280 ptsSunday, February 7, 2021 7
Sunday, February 7, 2021
I would have liked to have this character look more like a lead character than a side show piece. Even the costume looks so generic. As a Korean, I feel like this is just an afterthought. I don't really see a lot of effort put in the character's creation. But I guess, thanks for making one?
24(+27 / -3)
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Anubis33563,315 ptsSunday, February 7, 2021 2
Sunday, February 7, 2021
Has to be one of the laziest and most boring designs of a superhero I've ever seen lol
I would have liked to have this character look more like a lead character than a side show piece. Even the costume looks so generic. As a Korean, I feel like this is just an afterthought. I don't really see a lot of effort put in the character's creation. But I guess, thanks for making one?
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