Singer/producer J.Y. Park was too shocked for words on a recent episode of 'GYM Jong Kook'.
In light of the release of his new single "Easy Lover", J.Y. Park appeared on 'GYM Jong Kook' on this day and showed off his home gym, dance studio, and basketball court.
After introducing viewers to his very own, indoor basketball court, the 'GYM Jong Kook' PD asked,
"Say there is someone who met Kobe Bryant and got a signed basketball from him. But then, that person neglected it for years. What are your thoughts on this?"

Turning to Kim Jong Kook, J.Y. Park responded,
"No way. You have a ball signed by Kobe?"

Laughing, Kim Jong Kook explained,
"Yes, I met him and got it signed. But then I left it on the balcony for too long. I actually found it again recently, and since I was filming something related to basketball, I decided to take it and show the people I was filming with. But they all scolded me. HaHa even slapped me."

Below is evidence of Kim Jong Kook carrying around Kobe Bryant's signed ball and even contemplating playing basketball with it:
Seeing J.Y. Park's stunned reaction, netizens commented, "His eyeballs are about to pop out kekekeke", "Don't tell that to someone who built a basketball court inside his home lol, he might have a heart attack kekekeke", "If that were me, I would have passed out on the spot kekekeke", "I've never seen that reaction from J.Y. Park before kekekeke", and more.