Netizens are criticizing NCT's Haechan following his e-cigarette controversy.
As previously reported, Haechan faced criticism for smoking an e-cigarette indoors, and SM Entertainment later apologized. The label stated, "We would like to deeply apologize for causing many people concerns with such careless actions. We will take precautions so that the same mistake does not happen again."
SM Entertainment further stated the idol will be paying the fine for smoking indoors. Many of Haechan's fans defended the idol at first with some claiming he was eating a chocolate bar, but after his label's confirmation of his indoor smoking, netizens are criticizing his behavior.
Netizens commented, "I'm shocked he smoked indoors. Don't do it again," "Did not not know he was being filmed," "Such a predictable ending. Smoke outside, please," "I bet the fans who defended him feel dumb right now," "I hate indoor smokers," and more.
What are your thoughts on the issue?
Nothing wrong with knocking some sense into your faves when they get a little too cocky for their own good.
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