On May 30th, delayed Yang Hyun Suk's 5th open trial was held at the Seoul Central District Court.
Public whistleblower Han Seo Hee, who attended as a witness on this day, got riled up and cussed Yang Hyun Suk out during the cross-examination. After the text messages between Yang Hyun Suk and Han Seo Hee were presented as evidence, Han Seo Hee suddenly blurted out saying "I don't know why I was afraid of that trash.[edited after court hearings were revealed] He is not worth being afraid of. I should have cussed at him then. It's my biggest regret."
She later apologized for her emotional response after the court pointed out her attitude during the cross-examination.
Meanwhile, Yang Hyun Suk is accused of persuading and threatening the public informant Han Seo Hee to retract her testimony against B.I when she alleged that the idol had purchased drugs in 2016.
I wish i could watch all of this like depp-heard trial. Its gonna be fun to watch this kinda thing. Especially when Amber heard and Han so hee kind of share similar personality 😂
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