On October 20, the official YouTube channel of the South Korean Navy's MUSAT (Multi UDT/SEAL Assaulting Tactics unit) delivered unfortunate news.
MUSAT stated, "We would like to deliver sorrowful news on behalf of instructor Logan's family. Instructor Logan's wife, who came under immense stress recently due to severe attacks resulting from malicious comments, malicious rumors, etc, has suffered a miscarriage, bidding farewell to the precious life. We ask that all fans of 'Fake Men' and all fans of instructor Logan join us in sending condolences. MUSAT plans on taking strict punitive action against all those who caused this misfortune, and we also plan on pursuing strong legal action against all those who continue to spread false rumors and degrade our MUSAT affiliates."

Earlier this year, MUSAT launched a YouTube reality series titled 'Fake Men', loosely based off of the former reality series 'Real Men'. On this series, various celebrities and TV personalities were invited to take on the MUSAT training program, enduring intense physical tests and examinations. However, after 'Fake Men' started airing season 2 in the fall and the series began garnering significant fame and attention, various accounts of malicious rumors and allegations surfaced online.
On one account, a controversial YouTuber 'JungTube' accused instructor Logan and others from 'Fake Men' of regularly visiting an illegal adult entertainment/prostitution establishment, and also caused controversy by exposing alleged footage of instructor Logan being involved in sexual video phishing.
In response to the claims made on 'JungTube', instructor Logan stated that all of the claims were false and one-sided, and that his pregnant wife was undergoing significant stress due to malicious online attacks. It's been reported that Logan has since filed a lawsuit against the YouTuber 'JungTube', and the YouTuber is currently undergoing police investigation.

Unpopular opinion, there's no evidence that stress causes miscarriage...
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