Seo In Young and Fei suited up for 'International bnt'.
For the magazine's upcoming issue, Seo In Young and former miss A member Fei took on 3 different concepts from dark, striped suits to feminine outfits in beige. In their interview, the two discussed how they met, and Seo In Young revealed, "To be honest, I thought, 'Oh, this is my dongseng,' when I first saw Fei. Just her personality looked so good in general. Fei is polite, but she's not too formal. I thought she was pretty since her miss A days, but when I saw her in person, she didn't act pretty. Different from her pretty face, she had a free and easy charm, and I think I feel for that charm."
Fei said, "To be honest, I became more comfortable because Unni was the one who cared for me and took care of me first. For Seo In Young unni, I thought, 'She's very carefree. I think I can approach her now.' Not as a sunbae, but as an unni. Honestly, I was so scared of her before we got close. I changed my mind when I saw how honest and transparent she was."
Take a look at the rest of Seo In Young and Fei's pictorial below.

Fei is seriously so pretty