
An estimated 10,000 customers line up on opening day of 'Kang's Kitchen 2', causing traffic obstructions

Posted by Susan-Han Saturday, May 4, 2019

An unexpectedly huge number of customers showed up on the first opening day of tvN's 'Kang's Kitchen' season 2, causing a domino-effect of issues including traffic obstructions, discomfort and criticism from those waiting in line, and even hazardous situations. 

As many of you know, 'Kang's Kitchen' is a supplementary program to tvN's 'New Journey To The West' series. For season 2 of 'Kang's Kitchen', the recently ended 'New Journey To The West 6' cast members including Kang Ho Dong, Lee Soo Geun, Eun Ji Won, Ahn Jae Hyun, WINNER's Song Min Ho, and Block B's P.O will be coming together to open up their very own, temporary restaurant, serving customers with handmade dishes. 

On May 4, customers were asked to line up in order to receive a lottery number for entry into 'Kang's Kitchen' between 8:30 - 10:30 AM KST. The staff planned to announce those who were selected in the lottery at 11 AM KST; however, as many as an estimated number of 10,000 customers were seen lining up for a chance to dine at 'Kang's Kitchen'. As a result, the area surrounding the restaurant location in Gyeongju's Namsan-dong suffered from traffic obstructions and a severe shortage of parking lots the entire morning, and the program's staff was of course unable to meet the planned lottery announcement time of 11 AM. 

As a result, the cast chose to extend their open hours from simply lunch to both lunch and dinner, and the process of handing out lottery numbers as well as announcing the lottery winners was significantly delayed throughout the day. Finally, after realizing that the long lines and traffic obstructions may cause hazardous situations for visitors and pedestrians, 'Kang's Kitchen' announced that they've decided to opt for an online lottery system starting with their next day of business.   

Meanwhile, online accounts have revealed that 'Kang's Kitchen' season 2 will be serving up a brand new menu in their new location of Gyeongju - pizza, pasta, tteokbokki, etc. The program will premiere after currently airing series 'Korean Hostel in Spain' comes to an end. 

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안녕하세요 <강식당2> 제작진입니다. 당초 번호표 배부 시간은 오전 8:30~10:30이었습니다. 그러나 현장에 번호표를 위해 방문해 주신 분들이 너무 많은 관계로 (추정인원 만명 예상) 단순히 번호표를 배부하는데만도 물리적으로 앞으로 약 3-4시간이 더 걸릴 것 같습니다. 이에 추첨자 발표를 11시에 한꺼번에 하는 것은 무리가 있다고 판단되어 2차로 나눠서 진행하기로 했습니다. 더불어 당초 예정이었던 영업도 점심뿐만 아니라 저녁 영업도 추가로 진행하기로 했습니다. 여러분의 넓은 양해 바랍니다. 1) 점심 영업 안내 10시 40분 현재 배부된 번호표는 노랑 970번, 추가로 제작된 빨강 90번까지 이며, 이 중 당첨자는 11시에 추첨하여 개별 연락 드리도록 하겠습니다. 11시 당첨자는 점심 영업시간인 12시부터 3시사이에 방문하실 수 있도록 개별 안내 드리겠습니다. 2) 저녁 영업 안내 10시 40분 이후 배부된 번호표의 소지자는 4시에 당첨자를 추가로 개별 연락 드리도록 하겠습니다. 4시 당첨자는 저녁 영업시간인 6시부터로 방문하실 수 있도록 개별 안내 드리겠습니다. ** 당일 많은 분들의 방문으로 인해 교통혼잡 및 안전상의 문제로 인해 오늘 이후부터는 인터넷 추첨제로 진행됩니다. 당일 번호표 배부 및 현장 추첨은 없으며 자세한 내용은 추후 본 페이지를 통해서 자세히 공지드리도록 하겠습니다.

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shakesmilk916 pts Saturday, May 4, 2019 0
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Whoa, so many people were anticipating this show to come back. That's amazing! But at the same time, that's insanely wild and frustrating. I feel bad for the residents around the area. At least their temporary restaurant is a hit.

9 (+9 / -0)
itsyouiwant580 pts Saturday, May 4, 2019 0
Saturday, May 4, 2019

Wow, at times like this, you can't help but be overwhelmed and feel sorry at the same time. To think 10,000 customers lined up just to be able to eat their handmade food, and it causes a lot of inconveniences.

5 (+5 / -0)


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