BTOB's Changsub donated tuition to cover students at his former high school, Samil Commercial High School!
SEE ALSO: BTOB drops vibrant 'LOVE TODAY' MV from New [EP BTODAY]
On July 12, Changsub attended the 'School Love Scholarship Ceremony' at Samil Commercial High School in Suwon City to donate 10 million Won ($8826.05 USD) to help the attending students. The BTOB member expressed, "During my school days, I didn't even think about it, it's an honor to donate tuition to my hoobaes who are in the right conditions and environment."
He continued, "I was able to get to where I am because of my high school teachers and school that held onto me until the end. I was just able to do what I can do. I'll work hard not to give a bad representation of Samil Commercial High School."
In other news, BTOB recently wrapped up promotions for their mini album 'This is Us'.

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