On the September 5 airing of KBS 2TV's 'Pot Stand', Heechul and PRISTIN's Kyulkyung met with an entertainment reporter to gain tips about Heechul's special guideline book, 'Secret Dating of Girl Groups'.
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During the conversation, Heechul asked the reporter if he ever heard any rumors about him. The reporter responded, "It's weird but I've never heard anything about you."
Heechul then said, "It's been awhile since I've dated. Recently, I read jjirashi (chat room rumors) about me being gay. I was reading the rumors and was like 'Daebak' and was wondering who the celebrity 'A' was, but it actually turned out to be me. After reading that, I realized that 99 out of the 100 jjirashi's are fake."
Regarding jjirashi's, the reporter stated, "The jjirashis' on social media are exaggerated for fun. If 'A' and 'B' have a meal together, things are added onto the fact."

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