TWICE's Jungyeon was seen wearing a cast and walking around with crutches due to an injury sustained while filming SBS's 'Laws of the Jungle.' Now, on the August 5 episode, fans could finally see what exactly happened.
In this episode, while riding a horse, Jungyeon got kicked on the leg by another horse, shocking the other members. The team of doctors on site quickly rushed to check on her leg and put on a cast.
In the interview, she said, "I was so surprised. It felt like my finger got crushed in the door. It hurt so much that I [actually] felt nothing. At first, my shock was bigger."
She went to the basic camp, and the production crew, concerned over her injury, advised her to fly back to Korea, but she shed tears of disappointment. She said, "How can I go back when I did absolutely nothing?" She turned down their advice to return home, saying she'll be on the show to the end and requesting her return to the other members, which was denied. In the end, she slept at the basic camp.

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