On the April 6 installment of MBC Everyone's 'Weekly Idol,' the guests and MCs separated into Team Heechul and Team Hani and played a game in which the members had to guess the merits the leader wrote down about himself and herself.
Solji and Jackson were on Hani's team and the latter chose her hair as one of her merits, which was actually one of the answers as "Voluminous hair." He also chose her healthiness and her honesty as her two merits. Another merit Hani had chosen for herself was, "Takes care of others well," emphasizing how she would make sure she did not inconvenience or harm people around her. Solji complimented her on this, agreeing that she would try not to get in other people's way.
Jackson said, "Her legs are pretty," and Solji stepped in with, "Rather than pretty, they're long," which was the correct answer. Hani had written, "My legs are on the longer side." She said, "Whenever I talk about my merit, I always say, 'If I had to pick, my legs are long.'"
As for Heechul's team, one of the merits guessed was, "He's loyal." Jackson, from Hani's team, said toward Heechul, "He's manly and faithful, which is why I like him." Considering the two were not even friends, everybody cracked up in the studio. Heechul's second merit turned out to be "Trustworthy." Others were "Baby face," "Takes care of others," and "Has a good drinking habit." His team members Junhyung and Bora were able to agree with these merits, but in the end, Hani's team had won.
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