'REPLY 1988' - EPISODE 17

It was all a dream...
It's been a long two weeks since the drama aired, but it's like we never left. Deok Seon thinks that Taek bailed on their date because he doesn't care about her, and we find out Mi Ok is not able to date anymore (probably because of her grades), which makes Jung Bong break into tears. Sun Woo and Taek have a heart to heart, Sun Woo reassuring Taek that he's okay with his mom and Taek's dad dating, and making sure that's alright with Taek, too (which it is). Bora breaks up with Sun Woo, as well, which breaks his heart. Taek has a dream about kissing Deok Seon, but it goes no further in reality.
There's talk of other dreams, too, as we learn Jung Hwan didn't want to be a jet pilot, but his brother did, so he's going into the air force for his hyung. The moms had dreams too, as did the dads. All of them found out that while dreams are nice, real life often gets in the way.

Jung Hwan in his uniform
As the months pass, Jung Bong goes to the temple, Sun Woo's mom moves in with Taek's dad, and Deok Seon buries herself in her studies. Sun Woo gets into medical school on a full scholarship. After all that you have a timeskip and six years go by. They all make ready to come home to celebrate Taek's birthday. Everyone looks all grown up! Some sport different hairstyles, and some others in different clothes. Jung Hwan's even in uniform, greeted with screams and hugs when he knocks on the door. Deok Seon, looking every inch the professional flight attendant, comes home to No Eul's ribbing. The more things change...
This one felt really long, because it was. We started the series with a running time of 1 hour 28 minutes per episode, it increased gradually to 1 hour 40 minutes, and now we're up to 1 hour 50 minutes. There were a number of places that felt like stopping points that weren't. I wasn't as impressed with this episode as I have been with the others. There have been some stretches, but I really feel that they could have done a better job of shoehorning the story into a shorter format.

Deok Seon, also in uniform
There are some severe time shifts here. From days, to months, and finally years. Our group is now a group of young adults, professionals with their own lives independent of parents. It was kind of interesting seeing them in their work clothes, missing the mop tops that characterized the hairstyles of their youth. So what of the series, though? Wasn't it primarily about adolescence? I know they need to wrap up where they are as adults, but did that have to happen in the 17th episode?
I don't want to sound like I'm panning it. I'm not. The plots are solid, and the characters are still endearing, as well as the situations. But I was a bit thrown off by the sudden shifts in length and time frame. And the adult sequences were a great deal longer than what they've shown previously, so I won't be surprised if the saga picks up with them as adults. They haven't shown us Taek's birthday, so there's bound to be a lot of catching up both during the party and afterwards.

Jung Bong, not in uniform, crying over Mi Ok's "Dear Jung" letter.
Still, overall, despite the tears in the first half, people seemed pretty happy with where they were. Dreams are a great thing when they can be achieved, and I know everyone seemed to be comfortable where they ended up (at least, I think). And now we can get on with the business of romance. Maybe Bora and Sun Woo can rekindle things, Mi Ok and Jung Bong can find true happiness, and someone will finally take Deok Seon out on a date.
I still think she ends up with Jung Hwan. :P
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