SEE ALSO: Additional photos revealed just before Kim Soo Hyun’s press conference
The king believes that the sacrifice of YS will bring down Gwi; more specifically, he conjectures that YS's blood will be fatal for the vampire. CPY promises he will capture YS and bring her before the king by sundown if YS is truly the secret weapon needed to exterminate that pestilence called Gwi.
Boo hoo my mommy won't let me play GTA on my PS 4.
YS enters the palace dressed as a palace maid in order to find her vampire-scholar-lover with the help of the cronies who used to bully and hector her so just a couple episodes ago. She successfully enters the palace, but unluckily enough, comes across Hye Ryeong (HR). When YS blurts that she is there to find SY, whom she loves, HR ridicules the poor girl for not knowing that SY is, in fact, a vampire. Aaaand the secret is out, my friends. I'm not going to say YS is dim...but all the clues were practically thrown right in her face.
Whoooo my face says I'm so happy to be an empress.
HR continues to plot and scheme against her own father, imploring to the king that he ought to be severely punished for fomenting an insurrection. The king, however, doesn't yet trust HR as she is the daughter of Choi Chul Joong. Heck, I wouldn't trust HR if I were the king. The woman always looks like she is hiding some great secret.
The crown prince searches the entire capital for YS, intent on seizing and sacrificing her to Gwi. Of course, CPY has not the slightest inkling that YS is right under his nose; hence, he even raids SY's home thinking that he is keeping her nicely stowed away in some corner of his abode. Someone was in fact stowed away but it wasn't YS, it was the hunter Baek that led the 'hunt' against Gwi at CPY's wedding. When Ho Jin tells him that CPY is in search of YS to sacrifice her to Gwi, the hunter looks downright horrified. That appalled expression tells me that the king may just be wrong about his presumption about YS.
Kneel before my awesome.
Speaking of the king, he disappears without a trace, leaving just a bloody note for CPY. No one knows where the king went but it is implied that he will die soon because he plotted treason against Gwi. Meanwhile, SY breaks into the palace and frees YS from her imprisonment. SY was deathly afraid that YS would be disgusted by the sight of him now that she knows he is a vampire. However, the girl just breaks down in tears and burbles, "You were all right." Well, of course, since he's a vampire, he won't die so easily..except when he gets thrown around like a dish rag fighting Gwi.
The king indeed dies, but not at the hands of Gwi like some of us may have believed. He actually offs himself, much to Gwi's shock. CPY, knowing he has to carry on his father and grandfather's mission, swears fealty to Gwi but Gwi doesn't trust him as there is still the suspicion that CPY may follow in his ancestors's footsteps. However, CPY's main man No Hak Young turns himself in as the one behind the whole 'hunt' to capture and kill Gwi. Gwi bites him, transforming him into a sexier vampire than SY. Gwi then delivers No Hak Young's corpse to the brothel SY frequents, calling it a "fun idea."
I'm so totes hotter than Sung Yeol and Gwi combined.
Blast! I've got more competition now.
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