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For their '100second Cypher' mission, the female rappers were asked to film a one-take MV where each would plan out their move and poses. The winner would be given a chance to feature in Zico's upcoming track.
After taking a look at their finished product, the rappers were then asked to pick the best and worst for this mission, and it was Jessica H.o or Jessi who came in last. Her fellow contestants mentioned that Jessica H.o's attitude brought down the atmosphere during the filming as she was very insistent on her ways. Some also mentioned they picked her as the worst as they viewed her as the toughest competition.
The rapper that came in first will be revealed on the next episode when San E hands in his own pick, but so far Cheetah and Jimin remain tied. Cheetah was praised by her fellow rappers for her natural swag, while Jimin was complimented by her competitors for knowing how to work the camera and being able to help them with their various poses from her experience with filming MVs and planning performances for stage.
After the voting, Jessica H.o said during the interview with the producers, "I don't know what's going to happen now. I'm a little confused. I don't know why this happened. I don't think I've shown my full talent. This is a survival game so I will have to work harder from this point on in the competition."
Check out the '100second Cypher' MV above and see if you agree with the results so far!
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