During the opening of her show, Sunny shared a female listener's story of a memory she had. She quoted, "Today, a girl with spare time for once organized her bankbook. In the bankbook, the name of the girl whom I went to the cafe with last autumn and the store name was written. That was my memory with that person."
As soon as the word "memory" came up, Sunny's expression suddenly saddened and the usually cheerful idol looked as if she were about to cry, prompting fans to wonder if she were reminded of Jessica, who recently split from Girls' Generation.
Sunny continued to share the story: "Even when my mind forgets sometimes, it could be remembering the fact that something like that happened, that love is like that."
At one point, a listener sent in a request saying, "Please look at the camera and smile brightly just once," to which Sunny complied. Sunny herself also seemed to wish to brighten her own mood, as she sang along with Zion. T's lyrics to "Yanghwa Bridge," "Let's be happy, let's not be in pain."
During the same episode, Sunny shared a listener's story of 3 generations living in a house together. The listener stated that the hardest part was meal time for the three generations. In response to the story, Sunny stated that she believed it was important that the three generations remained close, saying, "In the future, I hope the house will be filled with laughter; there aren't a lot of houses for three generations to live together because there are a lot of nuclear families."
She continued, "There can't always be only good things that happen, but I will hope for a lot of good things to happen. There can't always be good things, but..." and was unable to continue on for a while, grabbing attention from her listeners.
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