Seo In Guk definitely caught the attention of fan boys and fan girls alike by showing his interest in Girl's Day's Minah.
During the April 15 broadcast of 'Shindong's Shimshimtapa', Seo In Guk confessed who his ideal type was as he shared, "I have a lot of interest in Minah". It appears he has become mesmerized just like most of the people who viewed Girl's Day's sexy comeback with "Expectation".
The singer also surprised fans by revealing, "I have a lot of female dongsengs who I'm close with but no one has asked me out. I don't know why."
Fans commented, "Will Seo In Guk and Minah become the next celebrity couple?", "You can date anyone except Minah!", and "I wish Seo In Guk had those kinds of feelings towards me."
It seems Seo In Guk will be running into his ideal type Minah more often on music shows as he promotes his new single "With Laughter or With Tears".
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Seo In Guk confesses he's interested in Girl's Day's Minah

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