T-ara's Eunjung and KARA's Gyuri revealed their 'no makeup' faces on the first episode of 'Beauty & View'.
Eunjung and Gyuri are collaborating together for a new beauty YouTube channel 'Beauty & View', which is described as "Eunjung and Gyuri dashing this way and rushing that way for a beauty creator challenge!" For the duo's first ever episode, Gyuri shares that she's completely new to YouTube, they cleanse their faces and reveal how they look without makeup on, and beauty creator Yang Ji Won joins to share some of her favorite items.
Watch Eunjung and Gyuri's 'Beauty & View' premiere above!
T-ara's Eunjung & KARA's Gyuri reveal 'no makeup' faces on their 1st 'Beauty & View' episode!
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
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Our dragon ladies. Both of them looks beautiful even without makeup on.